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The Best Chair Collection

Upholstered chairs and stools are becoming more popular and versatile than ever before. On the run dinners, work from home conference calls and after school study sessions all demand a seat comfortable, yet sturdy. In addition, mixing and matching fabrics is a great way to give the space character. The Best Chair II upholstered collection features 5 diferent chairs and stools in a variety of fabrics. Find one that fits your style!

Sebra 24" Upholstered Stool

Sebra 24"Upholstered Stool



Save: $90.00


Odellum 24" Upholstered Stool

Odellum 24" Upholstered Stool

white swatch  brown swatch


Save: $200.00


Meyer Upholstered Side Chair

Meyer Upholstered Side Chair

$299.99 - $329.99
$359.99 - $379.99


Odell Upholstered Side Chair

Odell Upholstered Side Chair

beige swatch  riverloom    java grade b swatch
$419.99 - $439.99